Ad Hoc Polymorphism with Type Classes
-- We use a language extensions so we can put signatures in instance declarations.
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Lecture5 where
import Data.List (delete, minimumBy)
1 Ad Hoc Polymorphism
It’s tempting but not possible to write Haskell code like:
asBool :: a -> Bool
True = True
asBool = False asBool _
Because our function cannot “look inside” a value of universally polymorphic type like a
However, if you come from the JavaScript world, you may still long for the confusion of “truthiness”, where lots of different types of values can be considered as true or false.
More importantly, we would like to be able to write code that is polymorphic over values that meet certain constraints. Maybe they can be compared for which is larger (Ord
), or we can find the next value after a given value (Enum
), or we can “summarize” all the values contained inside of some structure (Foldable
, which expects a type constructor like list or ProVal
Haskell uses type classes to accomplish that.
1.1 Making Truthy
Let’s describe the behaviour we need to call some type “truthy”:
class Truthy a where
asBool :: a -> Bool
In a type signature (and lots of other places), we can constrain an otherwise-universal type x
to support asBool
by saying that it must be Truthy
, like Truthy x => ...
1.2 Using Truthy
Let’s create our own truthy if
iffy :: Truthy c => c -> a -> a -> a
= if (asBool condition) then thenExp else elseExp iffy condition thenExp elseExp
Our signature says “iffy
’s first argument is any value that is Truthy
”. So, anything before the =>
is a constraint on what would otherwise be universal (parametric) polymorphism.
1.3 Being Truthy
Maybe for Int
, zero is False
, but any other Int
is True
. Then, we want to be able to call on iffy
like this:
-- | myDiv is like div except rather than producing a
-- divide-by-zero exception for a 0 on bottom, it produces
-- Nothing.
myDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
= iffy bottom (Just (top `div` bottom)) Nothing myDiv top bottom
Haskell requires us to explicitly say if a type is an instance of a class. Let’s makes Int
s truthy!
instance Truthy Int where
-- What is the signature of asBool?
-- Remember that it's Int that's the Truthy thing here.
-- So, we should replace the Truthy class's type variable
-- with Int.
asBool :: Int -> Bool
0 = False
asBool = True asBool _
(Two Exercises)1
1.4 What can we say in a type class?
Haskell type classes are tremendously powerful. What asBool
does looks a lot like what interfaces do in Java. However, Haskell type classes have many of the powers of Java interfaces as well as many that interfaces lack.
Consider the built-in Bounded
class Bounded a where
minBound, maxBound :: a
This says that anything that is Bounded
has two special values minBound
and maxBound
. The intended meaning of these are the smallest and largest representable values (although the typeclass cannot force that to be their actual meaning!).
Try out:
minBound :: Int
maxBound :: Char
We can also have default implementations, as in the built-in Eq
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
== y = not (x /= y)
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
/= y = not (x == y) x
Note that these are defined in terms of each other. So, when we make an instance, we have to define one or the other, or we’ll just get infinite recursion!
(Three Exercise)
2 Shall We Play a Game?
Let’s make the code for a game. In the Magic Sum game, we start with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 available. Each round, each player gets to take one of the remaining numbers. The game ends when one player has exactly three numbers that sum to 15 (a win) or when all the numbers are taken and neither player has won (a tie).
Let’s play a game together!
2.1 Magic Sum State
Let’s represent the state of the game this way:
-- | The state of the magic sum game, with the
-- list of available numbers to take, the list of
-- numbers I have taken, and the list of numbers
-- you have taken.
data MSState = MSState [Int] [Int] [Int]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
Then, we’ll want to know when we’ve won, lost, or tied.
Let’s start by finding all the sequences of three numbers a player has. We’ll solve a more general problem because it’s easier to do:
-- | Produce all sublists of exactly the given length
allSubLists :: Int -> ([a] -> [[a]])
0 _ = [[]] -- ONE sublist of length zero
allSubLists = [] -- FAILURE; too few or too many elements!
allSubLists _ [] :as)
allSubLists n (a| n < 0 = [] -- FAILURE!
-- Otherwise try all the ones starting with a of length n-1
-- and all the ones NOT starting with a of length n.
| otherwise = map (a:) (allSubLists (n-1) as) ++
allSubLists n as
So, sequences of length 3 come from:
all3Lists :: [a] -> [[a]]
= allSubLists 3 all3Lists
Your turn. Use all3Lists
to define hasWin :: [Int] -> Bool
that determines if the given list of numbers contains any three that sum to 15.
Try to do it in one, short line. I recommend figuring it out from “right to left”. That is, what’s the first thing you do to the list of Int
s? What’s the next? Etc.
hasMSWin :: [Int] -> Bool
= not (null (filter (== 15) (map sum (all3Lists ns)))) hasMSWin ns
isMSComplete :: MSState -> Bool
isMSWin, isMSLoss, isMSTie,MSState _ ns _) = hasMSWin ns
isMSWin (MSState _ _ ns) = hasMSWin ns
isMSLoss (
-- if it's not a win or loss, then isMSTie tells us if it's a tie
MSState [] _ _) = True
isMSTie (= False
isMSTie _
= isMSWin ms || isMSLoss ms || isMSTie ms isMSComplete ms
Let’s give a value to each completed state, where a win is 1, a loss is -1, and a tie is 0:
getMSValue :: MSState -> Maybe Double
| isMSWin ms = Just 1
getMSValue ms | isMSLoss ms = Just (-1)
| isMSTie ms = Just 0
| otherwise = Nothing
Lastly, let’s define the initial game state:
initMSState :: MSState
= MSState [1..9] [] [] initMSState
We know what a state in the game is now, but what’s a move?2
2.2 Getting the Next Move
Taking one move means (1) taking a number for yourself and (2) making it your opponent’s turn. Note: delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
removes the first occurrence of its first argument from its second. We’ll also describe the move in English for clarity.
-- The definition of String:
type String = [Char]
type Move a = (String, a) -- a "type synonym" like String meaning [Char]
nextMSStates :: MSState -> [Move MSState]
MSState pool me you) =
nextMSStates (map (\choice -> ("Take " ++ show choice, MSState (delete choice pool) you (choice:me))) pool
2.3 Exploring the Whole Game
Let’s define a tree of game moves:
data GameTree a = GameTree a [GameTree a]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
A turn has the current state and all the game trees that come out of taking each possible move in the current state.
Now, we can define a function to construct the game tree:
constructMSGameTree :: MSState -> GameTree MSState
constructMSGameTree ms GameTree ms (map constructMSGameTree (map snd (nextMSStates ms)))
In fact, we can construct the entire game tree:
msGameTree :: GameTree MSState
= constructMSGameTree initMSState msGameTree
Because Haskell is lazy, this doesn’t do anything yet. Indeed, Haskell will only create the game tree bit by bit as we explicitly explore it, which is pretty handy for games like chess with immense game trees!
2.4 Solving the Game
Who can resist? We’re so close! Let’s write some AI and pick the very best possible move at any point.
We want to win, which means we want the highest possible value. After each of our moves, our opponent goes. They want to find the best possible value for them, which is the worst possible for us. We call this a “minimaxing” search because at each level of the search, we switch from minimizing the outcome (bad for us!) to maximizing the outcome (good for us!).
So, let’s start by scoring a gametree using this minimaxing approach. (For simplicity, if getMSValue
fails for us on a tree with no next moves, we assume the state’s value is 0. This shouldn’t happen anyway!)
-- | Get the game tree magic state value for this tree.
-- That's the LARGEST value WE can earn starting from this point.
-- If this game tree represents the end of the game, we just get
-- its value. Otherwise, we get the *smallest* value achievable in
-- any of the next states (minimizing our opponent's score) and
-- negate it to get our score.
getGTMSValue :: GameTree MSState -> Double
GameTree state []) =
getGTMSValue (case getMSValue state of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> 0 -- unnecessary case
GameTree _ nexts) =
getGTMSValue (negate (minimum (map getGTMSValue nexts))
Now, let’s find the best move in a game tree. To do that, we’ll find the worst state we can put our opponent in among the possible next moves. The function argmin
will help us with that. We can give it a “scoring” function and a bunch of values, and it gives us the value that scores least:
-- | argmin f vals produces the value in vals for which f produces
-- the smallest result. vals MUST NOT BE EMPTY.
argmin :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a
= fst minTuple
argmin f as where
-- Get tuples of the as and their values computed by f
-- We put these in a variable so that Haskell will cache
-- them for us (call f just once per value in as), since
-- our f is potentially very expensive!
= zip as (map f as)
-- Compare tuples by their f values
= compare (snd t1) (snd t2)
compareSnds t1 t2
-- Find the smallest tuple
= minimumBy compareSnds tuples minTuple
Now we’re ready to pick our move:
-- | Returns the next move to take, which will lead to the best
-- possible outcome in the given game tree (i.e., as high a
-- value as possible). Produces Nothing if there are no further
-- moves to take.
pickBestMSMove :: MSState -> Maybe (Move MSState)
= case nextMSStates state of
pickBestMSMove state -> Nothing
[] -> Just (argmin getMoveValue moves)
moves where getMoveValue move =
snd move)) getGTMSValue (constructMSGameTree (
2.5 Some Utility Functions
It would be nice to play this against the computer. We can take a move like this:
-- | Produce the state created by taking the given number.
-- Assumes the number is in the pool of available numbers.
takeMSMove :: MSState -> Int -> MSState
MSState pool me you) n = MSState (delete n pool) you (n:me) takeMSMove (
We can help the computer take a move like this:
-- | Just for convenience, this version takes an MSState
-- and does the tree contsruction itself and returns a
-- plain MSState.. but produces an error if called on a
-- terminal state.
pickBestMSMove' :: MSState -> Move MSState
pickBestMSMove' state maybe undefined id (pickBestMSMove state)
And, let’s know when a state is a win, loss, or tie:
msStatus :: MSState -> String
| isMSWin state = "win"
msStatus state | isMSLoss state = "loss"
| isMSTie state = "tie"
| otherwise = "carry on"
already makes the last value available as it
Let’s play!
3 What is a Game?
TODO: continue here!!
OK, that’s a big question for another course. In our case, however, a “game state” for a two-player, turn-based game is really anything that:
- can give us a value (1 for a win, 0 for a tie, -1 for a loss,
for not-yet-done) - has an initial state
- can tell us the next states available from some state
Could we rewrite our code for pickBestMove
to use a type class and work on any game?
class GameState a where
-- | Produces 1 for a win, -1 for a loss, 0 for a tie,
-- and Nothing for a not-yet-complete game.
getGameStateValue :: a -> Maybe Double
initGameState :: a
-- | Produces a list of the moves and next game states after the current one.
-- If the game is complete, the list is empty.
nextGameStates :: a -> [Move a]
We’d best make MSState
an instance! Not coincidentally, we happen to have already written all these functions above:
instance GameState MSState where
= getMSValue
getGameStateValue = initMSState
initGameState = nextMSStates nextGameStates
Now construct the game tree:
constructGameTree :: GameState a => a -> GameTree a
constructGameTree state GameTree state (map constructGameTree (map snd (nextGameStates state)))
The entire game tree.. of whatever type of game you’re playing! This is a polymorphic value, much like initGameState
gameTree :: GameState a => GameTree a
= constructGameTree initGameState gameTree
The game tree value (as opposed to state).
getGameTreeValue :: GameState a => GameTree a -> Double
GameTree state []) =
getGameTreeValue (case getGameStateValue state of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> 0 -- unnecessary case
GameTree _ nexts) =
getGameTreeValue (negate (minimum (map getGameTreeValue nexts))
never mentioned MSState
anyway. So, that takes us to picking the best move:
pickBestMove :: GameState a => a -> Maybe (Move a)
= case nextGameStates state of
pickBestMove state -> Nothing
[] -> Just (argmin getMoveValue moves)
moves where getMoveValue move =
snd move)) getGameTreeValue (constructGameTree (
One of our utility functions is entirely specific to MSState
, but the second is not:
pickBestMove' :: GameState a => a -> Move a
pickBestMove' state maybe undefined id (pickBestMove state)
For reference, here is the implementation of maybe
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe _ f (Just a) = f a
maybe b _ Nothing = b
4 The Game of Nim
Let’s play Nim. There are three piles of coins, the first with 3 coins, the second with 4, and the third with 5. On each turn, a player can remove any positive number of coins from a single heap. The player who wins is the one who removes the last coin.
Make Nim an instance of GameState
and then solve it!
-- | A state in the game of Nim. The integers must be zero or more.
data NimState = NS Int Int Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
-- instance GameState NimState where
What if you wanted a different interpretation of truthiness for
s? You cannot give two instances for the same type (in the same scope). However, you can make a thinly veiled new type based onInt
and make a new instance for that. Seenewtype
for more information.↩︎There are lots of ways we can make the code above more efficient! For example, we could note that a state in our game is never going to be a win. The player whose turn it is has not taken a number yet. So, if the game is over, either we’re out of numbers or the other player won. Right away, we get to drop the call to
. There are also much more efficient ways to writehasMSWin
. But.. let’s not worry about that for now. What we have is just barely efficient enough and rather beautiful.↩︎